Statistical Analysis on Protein NOESY Distance Restraints
Objective: Caluclating statistics on the number of reported NOESY distance restraints per residue for proteins.
Method: a) We downloaded the parsed simple NOESY distance database from the NRG ( database. b) The entries containing nucleic acids were removed. c) 5836 entries (proteins) were used for our statistical analysis.
Outputs: a) The list of the PDB entries, reported number of restrains, ratio of #restraints/#residues are tabulated and could be found here (List.csv). b) The histogram of the ratio is shown in Fig. 1.
c) We considered more than 50 restraints per residue as outliers (26 entries) and recalculated the average and std after removing these outliers. Fig. 2 shows the histogram of the remaining 5810 entries.