ARECA Output
Thank you for using our validation module ARECA. Here are the outcomes of your submitted job:
Running time: 378.673600(s)
Total number CNOESY (ali+aro) peaks: 24664 (Avg/strip: 37.370, Std/strp: 31.942)
Total number NNOESY peaks: 3511 (Avg/strip: 22.948, Std/strp: 8.969)
Total number of processed residues: 131
Number of assigned residues: 128
Number of low probability residues: 4
Number of low confidence residues: 1
Total number of processed atoms: 1619
Number of low probability atoms: 161
Number of low confidence atoms: 2
**Percentage of low probability residues: 3.12 %
**Percentage of low probability atoms: 9.94 %
***p-value: 0.074

Analyses outputs in html format here

Please note that usage of the ARECA package should be acknowledged in any publication
