ARECA's report on PHE120

Residue probability: 0.777
Residue probability confidence: 1.000

Chemical Shift Distributions and Assignment Probabilities
Atom Assigned CS DB avg. DB std Overall probability Overall confidence
C 177.698 175.508 2.010 0.000 0.000
CA 56.868 58.245 3.808 0.667 1.000
CB 36.753 40.078 3.616 0.875 1.000
CD1 129.643 131.234 9.579 1.000 1.000
CD2 129.603 131.352 9.581 1.000 1.000
CE1 131.362 130.599 3.219 0.800 1.000
CE2 131.152 130.633 2.839 0.572 1.000
CZ 129.438 129.042 3.448 0.400 1.000
N 119.597 120.315 4.931 0.969 1.000
HA 4.022 4.625 1.237 0.667 1.000
HB2 3.218 2.980 0.399 0.875 1.000
HB3 2.343 2.916 0.434 0.625 1.000
HD1 6.789 7.037 0.347 1.000 1.000
HD2 6.789 7.022 0.417 1.000 1.000
HE1 7.137 7.046 0.417 0.833 1.000
HE2 7.137 7.043 0.400 0.572 1.000
HZ 7.019 6.984 1.598 0.400 1.000
H 8.826 8.375 0.710 0.954 1.000


Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CA:

Overall probability: 0.667
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLU119 0.67 1.00
PHE120 0.86 1.00
MET121 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
E119HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HA 1.00
M121HA 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLU119 HA 1.00 0.801 0.00 0.00
GLU119 HB2 0.71 0.011 1.00 0.12
GLU119 HB3 0.85 0.008 1.00 0.12
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.796 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.008 1.00 0.28
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.32
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.21
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.21
PHE120 H 1.00 0.003 1.00 0.29
PHE120 HE1 0.74 0.007 1.00 0.16
MET121 HA 1.00 0.705 0.00 0.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.091 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CB:

Overall probability: 0.875
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.86 1.00
MET121 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.17
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.007 1.00 0.44
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.005 1.00 0.46
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.347 0.00 0.00
PHE120 H 1.00 0.003 1.00 0.16
MET121 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 0.12

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CD1:

Overall probability: 1.000
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HD1 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.006 1.00 1.59
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.020 1.00 0.81
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.54
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.019 1.00 0.27
PHE120 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 0.35

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CD2:

Overall probability: 1.000
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120H 0.99
F120HD2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.006 1.00 1.59
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.020 1.00 0.81
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.54
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.019 1.00 0.27
PHE120 H 0.99 0.007 1.00 0.35

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CE1:

Overall probability: 0.800
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.80 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120HE1 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.226 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CE2:

Overall probability: 0.572
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.57 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120HE2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.943 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.068 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.124 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-CZ:

Overall probability: 0.400
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.40 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.013 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.013 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.335 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.335 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.217 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-N:

Overall probability: 0.969
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLU119 0.93 1.00
PHE120 1.00 1.00
MET121 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
E119HB3 1.00
E119HG3 0.98
E119HG2 0.99
E119HA 1.00
E119H 1.00
E119HB2 1.00
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 0.99
F120H 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLU119 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 -528983.00
GLU119 HB2 1.00 0.007 1.00 -759428.00
GLU119 HB3 1.00 0.004 1.00 -759428.00
GLU119 HG2 0.99 0.034 0.60 0.00
GLU119 HG3 0.98 0.008 1.00 -90717.00
GLU119 H 1.00 0.009 1.00 -615420.00
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.003 1.00 -528983.00
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.015 1.00 -524127.00
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.001 1.00 -300931.00
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.002 1.00 -356902.00
PHE120 HD2 0.99 0.002 1.00 -356902.00
PHE120 H 1.00 0.002 1.00 -5590689.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.002 1.00 -348081.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HA:

Overall probability: 0.667
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLU119 1.00 1.00
PHE120 0.67 1.00
MET121 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
E119HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HA 1.00
M121HA 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLU119 HA 1.00 0.020 1.00 41.95
GLU119 HB2 0.71 0.014 1.00 2.70
GLU119 HB3 0.85 0.014 1.00 2.70
GLU119 H 0.93 0.004 1.00 -988122.00
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.796 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.17
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.220 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.006 1.00 1.59
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.006 1.00 1.59
PHE120 H 1.00 0.003 1.00 -528983.00
MET121 HA 1.00 0.764 0.00 0.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.080 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HB2:

Overall probability: 0.875
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.86 1.00
MET121 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.008 1.00 0.28
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.007 1.00 0.44
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.51
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.020 1.00 0.81
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.020 1.00 0.81
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.943 0.00 0.00
PHE120 H 1.00 0.015 1.00 -524127.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.011 1.00 -317943.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HB3:

Overall probability: 0.625
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.71 1.00
MET121 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.32
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.005 1.00 0.46
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.205 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.54
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.54
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.068 0.00 0.00
PHE120 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 -300931.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.054 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HD1:

Overall probability: 1.000
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120H 1.00
F120HD1 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.21
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.000 1.00 0.26
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.013 1.00 0.27
PHE120 H 1.00 0.002 1.00 -356902.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HD2:

Overall probability: 1.000
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120H 0.99
F120HD2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.21
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.000 1.00 0.26
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.003 1.00 8.61
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.004 1.00 1.81
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.013 1.00 0.27
PHE120 H 0.99 0.002 1.00 -356902.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HE1:

Overall probability: 0.833
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.83 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120HE1 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.335 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HA 0.74 0.007 1.00 0.16

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HE2:

Overall probability: 0.572
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.57 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HZ 1.00
F120HE2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.347 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.348 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.005 1.00 2.12
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.006 1.00 24.03
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.335 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-HZ:

Overall probability: 0.400
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
PHE120 0.40 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 1.00
F120HE1 1.00
F120HE2 1.00
F120HZ 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.019 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HD2 1.00 0.019 1.00 0.27
PHE120 HE1 1.00 0.226 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HE2 1.00 0.124 0.00 0.00
PHE120 HZ 1.00 0.217 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of PHE(120)-H:

Overall probability: 0.954
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLU119 0.90 1.00
PHE120 1.00 1.00
MET121 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
E119HB3 1.00
E119HG3 0.98
E119HG2 0.99
E119HA 1.00
E119H 1.00
E119HB2 1.00
F120HA 1.00
F120HB2 1.00
F120HB3 1.00
F120HD1 1.00
F120HD2 0.99
F120H 1.00
M121H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLU119 HA 1.00 0.036 0.40 0.00
GLU119 HB2 1.00 0.004 1.00 0.40
GLU119 HB3 1.00 0.004 1.00 0.40
GLU119 HG2 0.99 0.007 1.00 0.10
GLU119 HG3 0.98 0.007 1.00 0.07
GLU119 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 -694848.00
PHE120 HA 1.00 0.003 1.00 0.29
PHE120 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 0.16
PHE120 HB3 1.00 0.004 1.00 0.17
PHE120 HD1 1.00 0.007 1.00 0.35
PHE120 HD2 0.99 0.007 1.00 0.35
PHE120 H 1.00 0.002 1.00 -5590689.00
MET121 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 -422091.00