ARECA's report on LYS43

Residue probability: 0.815
Residue probability confidence: 0.945

Chemical Shift Distributions and Assignment Probabilities
Atom Assigned CS DB avg. DB std Overall probability Overall confidence
C 178.187 176.660 3.133 0.000 0.000
CA 59.390 57.014 3.028 0.771 1.000
CB 31.962 32.981 3.186 0.669 1.000
CG 24.910 24.941 1.956 0.730 0.917
CD 28.780 29.020 2.193 0.990 0.900
CE 41.780 41.893 1.492 1.000 0.889
N 120.740 120.954 4.210 0.941 1.000
NZ NA -- -- 0.000 0.000
HA 4.088 4.262 0.489 0.754 1.000
HB2 1.907 1.774 0.365 0.992 1.000
HB3 1.901 1.742 0.385 0.925 1.000
HG2 1.513 1.358 0.344 0.621 0.917
HG3 1.370 1.343 0.357 0.522 0.917
HD2 1.678 1.614 0.957 0.900 0.900
HD3 1.683 1.595 0.387 0.900 0.900
HE2 2.980 2.907 0.230 0.781 0.889
HE3 2.975 2.901 0.241 0.780 0.889
H 7.499 8.185 0.605 0.769 1.000
HZ NA -- -- 0.000 0.000


Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-CA:

Overall probability: 0.771
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
MET42 1.00 1.00
LYS43 0.78 1.00
LYS44 0.50 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
M42HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 0.98
K43HD3 0.98
K43H 1.00
K43HA 1.00
K44HA 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
MET42 HA 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.14
MET42 HB2 0.68 0.026 1.00 2.61
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.046 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.005 1.00 3.96
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.011 1.00 3.96
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.032 0.80 0.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.069 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 0.98 0.008 1.00 1.91
LYS43 HD3 0.98 0.003 1.00 1.91
LYS43 H 1.00 0.014 1.00 0.89
LYS43 HE2 0.77 0.014 1.00 0.49
LYS43 HE3 0.76 0.009 1.00 0.49
LYS44 HA 1.00 0.019 1.00 41.95
LYS44 H 1.00 0.040 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-CB:

Overall probability: 0.669
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.60 1.00
LYS44 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 0.98
K43HE3 0.99
K43H 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.003 1.00 4.53
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.040 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.103 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.005 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.000 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HE2 0.98 0.051 0.02 0.00
LYS43 HE3 0.99 0.046 0.01 0.00
LYS43 H 1.00 0.026 1.00 1.72
LYS44 H 1.00 0.028 1.00 1.72
LYS44 HA 0.64 0.024 1.00 4.53

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-CG:

Overall probability: 0.730
Overall confidence: 0.917

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.80 0.91
LYS44 0.03 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43H 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K44H 0.97

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.20
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.010 1.00 2.42
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.004 1.00 2.42
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.091 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.203 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.004 1.00 6.34
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.001 1.00 6.34
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.99
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.011 1.00 0.99
LYS43 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.22
LYS44 H 0.97 0.055 0.03 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-CD:

Overall probability: 0.990
Overall confidence: 0.900

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.99 0.90

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 0.98
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HD2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 0.98 0.003 1.00 1.30
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.025 1.00 5.45
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.031 0.90 0.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.016 1.00 11.42
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.008 1.00 0.81
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.006 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.001 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.002 1.00 6.07
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.007 1.00 6.07
LYS43 H 0.88 0.019 1.00 0.33

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-CE:

Overall probability: 1.000
Overall confidence: 0.889

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 1.00 0.89

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HB2 0.98
K43HB3 0.99
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HE2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HB2 0.98 0.023 1.00 1.41
LYS43 HB3 0.99 0.029 1.00 1.41
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.021 1.00 3.64
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.029 1.00 2.36
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.018 1.00 15.02
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.013 1.00 15.02
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.007 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.012 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HA 0.77 0.023 1.00 0.98

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-N:

Overall probability: 0.941
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
MET42 1.00 1.00
LYS43 1.00 1.00
LYS44 0.67 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
M42HA 1.00
M42H 1.00
M42HG3 0.95
M42HB2 1.00
M42HB3 1.00
M42HG2 0.98
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43H 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
MET42 HA 1.00 0.009 1.00 -243082.00
MET42 HB2 1.00 0.006 1.00 -362573.00
MET42 HB3 1.00 0.025 1.00 -2484232.00
MET42 HG2 0.98 0.002 1.00 -110437.00
MET42 HG3 0.95 0.003 1.00 -88180.00
MET42 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 -878593.00
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 -1013474.00
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.018 1.00 -2484232.00
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.024 1.00 -2484232.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.008 1.00 -405292.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.011 1.00 -264404.00
LYS43 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 -9411694.00
LYS43 HD2 0.88 0.012 1.00 -325852.00
LYS43 HD3 0.87 0.007 1.00 -325852.00
LYS44 H 1.00 0.055 0.00 0.00
LYS44 HA 0.88 0.025 1.00 -1013474.00
LYS44 HB2 0.61 0.014 1.00 -2484232.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HA:

Overall probability: 0.754
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
MET42 0.80 1.00
LYS43 0.80 1.00
LYS44 0.50 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
M42HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 0.98
K43HD3 0.98
K43H 1.00
K43HA 1.00
K44HA 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
MET42 HA 1.00 0.032 0.80 0.00
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.046 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 4.53
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.003 1.00 4.53
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.002 1.00 1.20
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.051 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 0.98 0.003 1.00 1.30
LYS43 HD3 0.98 0.003 1.00 1.30
LYS43 H 1.00 0.002 1.00 -1013474.00
LYS43 HE2 0.77 0.023 1.00 0.98
LYS43 HE3 0.76 0.023 1.00 0.98
LYS44 HA 1.00 0.046 0.00 0.00
LYS44 H 1.00 0.028 1.00 -1290945.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HB2:

Overall probability: 0.992
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.99 1.00
LYS44 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 0.98
K43HE3 0.99
K43H 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.005 1.00 3.96
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.010 1.00 2.42
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.031 0.90 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.025 1.00 5.45
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.025 1.00 5.45
LYS43 HE2 0.98 0.023 1.00 1.41
LYS43 HE3 0.99 0.023 1.00 1.41
LYS43 H 1.00 0.018 1.00 -2484232.00
LYS44 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 -2953164.00
LYS44 HA 0.64 0.005 1.00 3.96

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HB3:

Overall probability: 0.925
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.91 1.00
LYS44 1.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 0.99
K43HE3 0.99
K43H 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.011 1.00 3.96
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.003 1.00 53.87
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.004 1.00 2.42
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.037 0.30 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.031 0.90 0.00
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.031 0.90 0.00
LYS43 HE2 0.99 0.029 1.00 1.41
LYS43 HE3 0.99 0.029 1.00 1.41
LYS43 H 1.00 0.024 1.00 -2484232.00
LYS44 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 -2953164.00
LYS44 HA 0.82 0.011 1.00 3.96

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HG2:

Overall probability: 0.621
Overall confidence: 0.917

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.68 0.91
LYS44 0.03 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43H 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K44H 0.97

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.032 0.80 0.00
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.040 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.040 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.091 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.019 1.00 4.89
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.016 1.00 11.42
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.016 1.00 11.42
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.021 1.00 3.64
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.021 1.00 3.64
LYS43 H 1.00 0.008 1.00 -405292.00
LYS44 H 0.97 0.073 0.03 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HG3:

Overall probability: 0.522
Overall confidence: 0.917

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.57 0.91
LYS44 0.04 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43H 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K44H 0.96

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.069 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.103 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.103 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.203 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.014 1.00 36.93
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.008 1.00 0.81
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.033 0.70 0.00
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.029 1.00 2.36
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.029 1.00 2.36
LYS43 H 1.00 0.011 1.00 -264404.00
LYS44 H 0.96 0.067 0.04 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HD2:

Overall probability: 0.900
Overall confidence: 0.900

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.90 0.90

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 0.98
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HD2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 0.98 0.008 1.00 1.91
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.005 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.005 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.004 1.00 6.34
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.043 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.006 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.006 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.018 1.00 15.02
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.018 1.00 15.02
LYS43 H 0.88 0.012 1.00 -325852.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HD3:

Overall probability: 0.900
Overall confidence: 0.900

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.90 0.90

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HA 0.98
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HA 0.98 0.003 1.00 1.91
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.000 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.000 1.00 5.56
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.001 1.00 6.34
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.048 0.00 0.00
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.001 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.001 1.00 244.35
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.013 1.00 15.02
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.013 1.00 15.02
LYS43 H 0.87 0.007 1.00 -325852.00

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HE2:

Overall probability: 0.781
Overall confidence: 0.889

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.78 0.89

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HB2 0.98
K43HB3 0.99
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE3 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HE2 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HB2 0.98 0.051 0.02 0.00
LYS43 HB3 0.99 0.051 0.01 0.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.006 1.00 0.99
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.006 1.00 1.13
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.002 1.00 6.07
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.002 1.00 6.07
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.007 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.007 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HA 0.77 0.014 1.00 0.49

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-HE3:

Overall probability: 0.780
Overall confidence: 0.889

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
LYS43 0.78 0.89

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
K43HB2 0.99
K43HB3 0.99
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43HD2 1.00
K43HD3 1.00
K43HE2 1.00
K43HZ2 1.00
K43HE3 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
LYS43 HB2 0.99 0.046 0.01 0.00
LYS43 HB3 0.99 0.046 0.01 0.00
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.011 1.00 0.99
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.001 1.00 1.13
LYS43 HD2 1.00 0.007 1.00 6.07
LYS43 HD3 1.00 0.007 1.00 6.07
LYS43 HE2 1.00 0.012 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HE3 1.00 0.012 1.00 641.65
LYS43 HA 0.76 0.009 1.00 0.49

Detailed Probabilities of LYS(43)-H:

Overall probability: 0.769
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
MET42 0.51 1.00
LYS43 1.00 1.00
LYS44 0.67 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
M42HA 1.00
M42H 1.00
M42HG3 0.95
M42HB2 1.00
M42HB3 1.00
M42HG2 0.98
K43HA 1.00
K43HB2 1.00
K43HB3 1.00
K43HG2 1.00
K43HG3 1.00
K43H 1.00
K44H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
MET42 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 0.17
MET42 HB2 1.00 0.003 1.00 0.18
MET42 HB3 1.00 0.901 0.00 0.00
MET42 HG2 0.98 1.284 0.02 0.00
MET42 HG3 0.95 1.284 0.05 0.00
MET42 H 1.00 0.000 1.00 -851096.00
LYS43 HA 1.00 0.014 1.00 0.89
LYS43 HB2 1.00 0.026 1.00 1.72
LYS43 HB3 1.00 0.026 1.00 1.72
LYS43 HG2 1.00 0.001 1.00 0.22
LYS43 HG3 1.00 0.005 1.00 0.17
LYS43 H 1.00 0.001 1.00 -9411694.00
LYS43 HD2 0.88 0.019 1.00 0.33
LYS43 HD3 0.87 0.019 1.00 0.33
LYS44 H 1.00 0.049 0.00 0.00
LYS44 HA 0.88 0.014 1.00 0.89
LYS44 HB2 0.61 0.026 1.00 1.72