ARECA's report on GLY26

Residue probability: 0.632
Residue probability confidence: 0.950

Chemical Shift Distributions and Assignment Probabilities
Atom Assigned CS DB avg. DB std Overall probability Overall confidence
C 174.382 173.872 2.493 0.000 0.000
CA 45.957 45.581 4.381 0.833 1.000
N 106.368 109.752 5.331 0.429 0.875
HA2 3.815 3.967 0.380 0.800 1.000
HA3 4.126 3.897 0.390 0.600 1.000
H 8.020 8.343 0.939 0.500 0.875


Detailed Probabilities of GLY(26)-CA:

Overall probability: 0.833
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLN25 1.00 1.00
GLY26 1.00 1.00
TYR27 0.50 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
Q25HA 1.00
G26HA3 1.00
G26H 1.00
G26HA2 1.00
Y27HA 1.00
Y27H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLN25 HA 1.00 0.002 1.00 0.06
GLY26 HA2 1.00 0.011 1.00 4.21
GLY26 HA3 1.00 0.002 1.00 2.31
GLY26 H 1.00 0.004 1.00 0.34
TYR27 HA 1.00 0.018 1.00 0.05
TYR27 H 1.00 0.082 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of GLY(26)-N:

Overall probability: 0.429
Overall confidence: 0.875

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLN25 0.00 0.75
GLY26 1.00 1.00
TYR27 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
Q25HB3 1.00
Q25H 1.00
Q25HA 1.00
Q25HB2 1.00
G26HA2 1.00
G26HA3 1.00
G26H 1.00
Y27H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLN25 HA 1.00 0.526 0.00 0.00
GLN25 HB2 1.00 1.759 0.00 0.00
GLN25 HB3 1.00 0.965 0.00 0.00
GLY26 HA2 1.00 0.007 1.00 -184166.00
GLY26 HA3 1.00 0.006 1.00 -135791.00
GLY26 H 1.00 0.008 1.00 -464503.00
TYR27 H 1.00 0.183 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of GLY(26)-HA2:

Overall probability: 0.800
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLN25 0.00 1.00
GLY26 1.00 1.00
TYR27 0.50 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
Q25HA 1.00
G26HA3 1.00
G26H 1.00
G26HA2 1.00
Y27HA 1.00
Y27H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLY26 HA2 1.00 0.011 1.00 4.21
GLY26 HA3 1.00 0.006 1.00 2.29
GLY26 H 1.00 0.007 1.00 -184166.00
TYR27 HA 1.00 0.441 0.00 0.00
TYR27 H 1.00 0.022 1.00 -98922.00

Detailed Probabilities of GLY(26)-HA3:

Overall probability: 0.600
Overall confidence: 1.000

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLN25 NaN 1.00
GLY26 1.00 1.00
TYR27 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
Q25HA 1.00
G26HA2 1.00
G26H 1.00
G26HA3 1.00
Y27HA 1.00
Y27H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLY26 HA2 1.00 0.002 1.00 2.31
GLY26 HA3 1.00 0.004 1.00 2.39
GLY26 H 1.00 0.006 1.00 -135791.00
TYR27 HA 1.00 0.309 0.00 0.00
TYR27 H 1.00 0.289 0.00 0.00

Detailed Probabilities of GLY(26)-H:

Overall probability: 0.500
Overall confidence: 0.875

Calculated probabilities for inter- and intra-residue contacts
Residue Probability Confidence
GLN25 0.00 0.75
GLY26 1.00 1.00
TYR27 0.00 1.00

Expected NOESY Contacts
Proton Expected probability
Q25HB3 1.00
Q25H 1.00
Q25HA 1.00
Q25HB2 1.00
G26HA2 1.00
G26HA3 1.00
G26H 1.00
Y27H 1.00

NOESY contacts detailed probability
Residue Proton Expected probability Min PPM differences Probability Peak intensity ratio
GLN25 HB2 1.00 0.076 0.00 0.00
GLN25 HB3 1.00 0.460 0.00 0.00
GLY26 HA2 1.00 0.004 1.00 0.34
GLY26 HA3 1.00 0.000 1.00 0.31
GLY26 H 1.00 0.008 1.00 -464503.00
TYR27 H 1.00 0.317 0.00 0.00